What Does It Take?
The Mental State of a Problem Solver Should be
- Focused – able to fully engage the problem. I feel this as a Zen-like release. Some feel it as finding the right space & time.
- Compelled. You must feel that you have to solve the problem. Give yourself over to it.
- Fearless – of the problem, of being in a state of "wrongness".
- Confident. Be convinced that you will find the answer. Don't be afraid of mistakes.
- Aggressive
- Connected. You should have full access to your memories and thought processes.
- Intuitive. Think ahead and have a sense of when you're on the right track.
- Joyous and Free
The Process of Problem Solving Benefits from
- Experience which builds mental strength just as exercise builds physical strength. Practice, practice, practice. (How do you get to Carnegie Hall?)
- Metacognition which achieves self direction via self monitoring and reflection.
- Self Assessment / Metacognition
- Error checking
- Knowing what you don't know
- Situational awareness
- Flexibility. Knowing that there are choices prevents the mind from getting stuck or locking onto pet ideas.
- Group Think. Be open to others as a creative source.
- Persistence & Patience
- Learning from the experience of others by reading their stories and watching them think.
- The Active Mind
- The Questioning Mind is able to formulate new and interesting questions. Instead of saying, "Isn't that interesting?", ask "How does that work?"